Magdalen Health and Wellbeing

Why Regular exercise is important

August 2, 2022

Recent research indicates regular exercise for our heart and muscles helps prevent many health problems.
Keeping active

Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Depression are just some of the health problems which are avoidable.

Keeping mobile can enhance the quality of our twilight years enormously. Muscle and bone mass start to decrease by the age of 50. Strength training twice a week can help prevent this. Aerobic fitness when we get a little puffed is great for keeping heart and circulation working well.

The advice suggests any activity is better than none at all. Kids should be running around outside as much as possible. Between 19 and 64 years we should be active on a daily basis with some heavy resistance work included. After 64 we should aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. Tai Chi, bowls or dance are perfect for this age group.

Often we have old injuries or pains which discourage us from exercising for fear of aggravating them. Often it is about knowing how to approach exercise to prevent harm.

Osteopaths are perfectly suited to helping educate you about your body and what types of exercise would suit you.

As well as that we can alleviate pain and stiffness to give you the confidence to pursue some of these enjoyable pastimes.

At Magdalen Health we run a Saturday morning yoga class for all age groups. The group is small and with close supervision you can benefit enormously.

Call us today if you feel you need to change your lifestyle so that it is aligned with your health goals on 01392 428141 or book online.