Magdalen Health and Wellbeing

Toby Borradaile

B.Sc (Hons) Ost. Registered Osteopath and Sports Injury Specialist

  • Osteopathy


Mondays – 9am – 6pm
Tuesdays – 9am – 6pm
Wednesdays – 9am – 6pm
Thursdays – 2pm – 6.30pm
Fridays – 9am – 6pm

Toby qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 2000. He specialises in a wide range of injuries including sports, such as running, cycling, rugby, football, ballet, swimming and golf. Toby’s main areas that he treats are: Neck and shoulder with headaches including frozen shoulder, rib pain, lower back and pelvic pain. He’s an expert on runner’s knee, foot and groin injuries. He will do what he can to help you recover from your pain. He uses a variety of techniques, such as deep soft tissue manipulation, stretching, trigger point therapy with acupuncture needles and gentle spinal manipulation. Patients tend to respond quickly to this type of treatment. He will refer to specialists if necessary for further investigations. He gives plenty of advice and stretching exercises If necessary. Toby’s main source of referrals are by word of mouth. Toby is West country born and bred, he moved back from London a few years ago to concentrate on Exeter Osteopaths, however he still goes up to London once a month to work at a private clinic. He has experience working with rugby clubs and was semi-professional for Wasps for two years. He encountered numerous injuries in the past which has helped the treatment of his patients.

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