Magdalen Health and Wellbeing

Joint Pain

April 21, 2022

Most of us will experience joint pain at some time. This may be due to a a sports injury or wear and tear on a joint.
Joint Pain

For an acute injury you may need to be assessed by a medic at A&E depending on the severity. If you are not sure you can call 111 for advice or pop in and we can advise you.

After an injury osteopathy, massage and acupuncture can all help speed your recovery. Osteopaths will help your whole body get back to more functional movement. Massage can help ease the local area and acupuncture is good for persistently tight muscles around the area.

If you would like to speak to one of our team about which treatment is right for you please call us on 01392 4282141 or arrange a call back by filling in this form at a time that suits.